On 30th June 2017, Dr. Chen Xiu Shi, the Honorary President of the Eastern Polymer Group Plc. (EPG) along with the executives of Aeroflex (Subsidiaries of EPG) welcome the Aeroflex’s Dealers and supporters to visit Aeroflex’s factory. During the Open House, Aeroflex team introduces the visitors to various facilities of Aeroflex such as the production plant, the Innovation and laboratory testing lab and inventory storage. Moreover, the visitors also had an opportunity to visit EPG Innovation Center (EIC), the research and development unit of EPG. EIC strengthen the overall competition of EPG by supporting the group with innovative discoveries which help enhance EPG brand value and creating sustainable development. In addition to that, the visitors also had an opportunity to give back to society as the group visit Teacher Boonchoo, home for special children located in Phlu Ta Luang, Sattahip district Chonburi province. The special children require close care and attention, Aeroflex and the stakeholder are proud to supports the children by donating toys, goods and money at the total amount of 200,000 baht.